Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Well I’ll be dedicating the blog to reviewing anime and perhaps the odd light novel I happen to read.  Those who have read the Sword Art Online novels can probably tell I’m a fan.  We enough of that because I won’t be reviewing SAO any time soon, at least not until the green light another season.

So, the idea of making a blog for me to review anime and such has been on my mind for quite some time now, I just never got the chance to do it.  Now time is still an issue, but hell I figure I can make time for it now, especially since I decided to write a review on an anime that I felt really needed one, and was a little under rated.

Now I will do the best I can do review anime without spoiling it, but one you see the SPOILER tag, proceed at your own risk, but even then I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum.  At the end of each review I will post a score out of 10 that I think the anime deserves, though sometimes I’ll be harsh, and others I’ll probably be lenient on, what can I say, sometimes I’m just a sucker for certain types of anime.
Seeing as I hope we all get along for some time I figure I should write out a few things about myself in relation to anime.

I started actively watching anime in 2008, for some of you that may not seem like a long time, but I’ve seen a great deal in that amount of time, and if you would like to request a review on any of them I’d be happy to try and give it a go.  My list is at about 400 anime.  It gets difficult to increase when you’re just watching new anime season to season, and I can’t really find time to hunt for anime myself, so if you find any interesting ones, be sure to recommend them to me.  Anyhow, I keep a record of the anime I watch on an Excel Spread sheet, though sometimes I get a little too lazy to update it, and it’s just under 400 anime with over 100 days, worth of anime watched, which has sort of got me a little proud of it (no this list does not contain hentai, if you don’t know what that is you’re better off not knowing.)  Not everything I’ve seen is on that list as it’s been a long 5 years and I’ve only recently formed this list, it actually took me over the course of 2 days to finish it, between finding the anime names and looking up the details on it.  Anyways I’ll be putting it up on Google docs and posting the link at the bottom when I’m done here.

Continuing on, there are many types of anime I watch, most of them include romance, comedy, slice of life, supernatural, psychological, harems.  I’m sure there are more, but I can’t remember all the different genres at this moment, but those would be the main ones.  I fall easily into the hype of an anime, but I will call it out if it doesn't meet my expectations.  Though mechas… never really got into those, so I rarely watch those sorts (sorry gundams,) now in saying that, I’ll watch pretty much anything that meets my criteria of either looking like it has a decent plot, or it has some nice artwork.  Though, I will tend to stay away from sports anime (might be due to my negative outlook on sports, geez I’m forming a pretty bad image aren’t I.)  Now moving along, anime holds a special place in my heart, it has gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life, though I would rather not share those, I just wanted to emphasize, if possible, the importance anime holds for me.

Alright, so I’ll talk about the blog now.  I generally want to keep these reviews short so sometimes I’ll skip on unnecessary information and provide links to where you can view what I generally skipped over (it’ll most likely be from Wikipedia or another wiki).  I wouldn’t want to keep you guys too long so generally I’ll keep my posts 1-2 word document pages in length, single spaced.  Well now that that’s over I’d like to end this post here with that link I promised earlier.

Oh and PS, my grammar, not the best, it will fluctuate from ok to downright horrible sometimes, feel free to Grammar Nazi it.